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2007年9月4日,已点击:21888次  来源:   [打印本页] [收藏本页] [关闭窗口]

Personal Information

Name: ****** Wang      Gender:  Male

Date of Birth: August 1967             

Mobile phone: 130*******

E-mail:  *****@*****.com, ****1234@yahoo.com


During 1986-1990 , studied at North-west University in XianAn , major in

Mechanic & Equipment engineering .

Graduated with Engineering Bachelor degree in 1990.

Working Experience

1 .July 1990 – June 1997 

Worked in  Sino-PEC (Petro-chemical company ) as Mechanical engineer &

Project engineer .

During 1990-1994 , located in TianJin and worked as mechanical engineer .

During 1994-1996 , located in Singapore and worked as project manager in the Sino-PEC & SHELL-based JV.

2. July 1997 – Nov 2003

Served in Motorola (China) Electrical Ltd . Company in TianJin .

-During 1997-2001, take the role of Section Header in Manufacturing

Operation Department, Mobile Device Sector. Main job responsibility as follows:

Manpower management on mobile phone production line.  Problem solving and feed back on manpower arrangement, organizing, corresponding and employee relationship. 

Material management on mobile phone production line, such as sub system of ERP, material cycle count system, rejected material return process flow etc. 
Cost control and management of workshop. Production cost reduction through employee training, industry flow optimizing, material scrap control etc. 
Process flow control and management on mobile phone production line. 

Continuous improving productivity through implementing super line management on back end of mobile phone production, optimizing production process flow. 

Mass production control and management of new product. From prototype ramp up to mass production stage, Champion new product in manufacturing team ,timely feed back production capacity, quality, process flow, equipment, material issue. 

Cooperate with engineering team, solve problem in time, feedback issue to supplier timely and effectively. 

-During 2001-2003, acted as Outsourcing Project Manager at CMM Dept (Contracted Manufacturing Management)  in PCS .TJ (Personal Communication Sector )

My job covered the following area ,

On site auditing to targeted sub supplier for PCBA building and assembly of mobile phone

Make out the feasible report of possible sub supplier for high level management .

Management & monitoring of daily operation of supplier , focused on  material supplement, inventory & scrap & shrinkage of material,, steadiness & consistency of process flow as the criteria when it be qualified .

Submit the report of verification & highlight of quality issue in supplier to Motorola  .

Production schedule control in supplier based on Motorola`s demand  .

3.Nov 2003 – Nov 2005

Worked at GuangZhou Soutec(Group) Technology Co.LTD .( Website is www soutec.com.cn)

Soutec is a state-owned company in Guang Zhou,the business is composed of the design & manufacturing and  market sales of mobile phone .

In Soutec, I ever took the job of vice GM of manufacture center and GM of purchasing center.

4.Nov 2005 up to now

Work at Samyoung technologies Co.LTD in DongGuan .

SamYoung Technologies Co.LTD in DongGuan is a korea company , product is Metal keypad for mobile phone , currently, Samyoung company is the qualified supplier of Motorola , main product for Motorola are
the keypad of V3 , L7 & K1 .

My job is operation GM in Dong Guan factory , in charge of new product introduction ,output control ,quality assurance , conversion cost control and management of major local supplier .


-I settle down in GuangZhou .




· 市场主管英文简历 2007年9月4日
· 英文简历:资深市场营销管理人员 2007年9月4日
· 英文简历--供应链咨询员 2007年9月4日
· 高级销售 2007年9月4日
· 人力资源助理 2007年9月4日
· 行政秘书 2007年9月4日
· 有工作经验者英文简历 2007年9月4日
· 行政助理 2007年9月4日
· 英文简历--供应链咨询员 2007年9月4日
· 英文简历:资深市场营销管理人员 2007年9月4日
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